Another year nearly over and there were quite a few changes when it came to Internet Services and the fast paced cyber sector.
At the start of 2016 the manager of Google’s security engineering team, announce that websites should have Secure Certs.
This would slowly start causing websites without SSL to fall down the page rankings. Initially and eventually simply not function correctly, till they eventually disappear from the web altogether.
We also have been told that in 2017, WordPress will start introducing features which require websites to have Secure Certs.  We’ve also seen in the last few months a clamp down on sites that sell goods or services online.

You may have noticed Google removed right-hand PPC ads from search results, the world of online advertising and marketing has undergone many changes.
Google Panda, Penguin & Hummingbird became part of the core algorithm.
Google started sending out notifications to site owners & developers such as “Google has detected that your site is currently outdated” and “We suggest you update the software on your site as soon as possible. Unpatched software can be vulnerable to hacking and malware exploits that harm potential visitors to your site ”
Google started warning users that sites were non-mobile-friendly, and announced a split in it’s search engines for 2017, forcing websites to update to a mobile first environment.

They are just the big changes.

Google make about 500+ small changes per year and of course, you've also Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc updates to consider too.

So what’s in store for 2017?

MORE OF THE SAME. However this time businesses will get affected directly & you’re going to have no choice but sit up and take notice. With all of the above now in place, sites which are not :

Websites not conforming get consigned to the Trash Heap.

Your To Do List For 2017

  1. Make sure your site is mobile friendly and up-to-date.
  2. Get a Secure Cert.
  3. Make sure you have not plagiarised content or misappropriated photos.
  4. Prevent the Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird from negatively impacting your site. HOW? Well, let me explain...

Panda deals exclusively with the words and photos on your site, so create high-quality, unique content.

Penguin deals solely with link quality and nothing else. Any sites we have built don’t have to worry. The sites that need to worry about Penguin, are ones who have hired SEO experts who might have engaged in black hat or immoral tactics.

Hummingbird will positively influence the sites that provide high-quality content. In other words which reads well to the visitor, along with providing answers to the question users are asking. It also likes what is known as long tail SEO. Word of warning, if you do get attacked by the Penguin or any other algorithm, and you manage to get it fixed, do not expect your rankings to go back overnight, you will carry the scars for a while.

The good news is you have just been told what to expect.

Even better news is Silkweb will be providing classes to help business owners through the jungle. These will start in mid January and we will be covering a variety of subjects

The new basic required topics your business will need to survive and stay in the running.

So from myself and the rest of the team have a Happy New Year and hope to see you in 2017!

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Every Business Needs A Website So Take The First And Best Step NOW.
Unlike Others, We Have An Interest In You & Your Business And The Success We Can Be Collectively
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